Behind us lies a packed weekend full of architecture, during which our colleagues Thomas Büsch, David Kaufmann and Karsten Meyer took us on a guided tour of two current Hamburg projects – Planten un Blomen and the park on the roof of the Autobahn in Hamburg-Schnelsen – and the Palace Garden Osnabrück on the occasion of Architecture Day.
When we as planners talk about our outdoor spaces, we – by nature – unfortunately only extremely rarely leave our designer bubble. Accordingly, we enjoyed the feedback from two participants in the Hamburg tour of Dag-Hammerskjöld-Platz and Planten un Blomen:
"I am convinced by the generosity and luxury of having such an area at one's disposal without commercialism taking over. You can lay down a blanket, have a picnic, maybe even play some music - and in addition, it's so cosmopolitan. As a visitor, I like that very much. What I find most striking about the change is that the exit that goes towards the park is now really an exit that I would like to use if I didn't almost always have to exit on the other side, for example, to continue cycling. In the last few years, this place was rather a large, impractical provisional arrangement with many closures - and the fact that it now looks open, light and friendly is extremely pleasant. And in the context of the guided tour, I found it interesting that there are so many different masters and mistresses of this project, who are all involved as businesses, and that despite the different responsibilities, from my point of view, it seems harmonious and like a unified whole. I also found it positive that during today's guided tour different aspects, which could certainly also compete with each other during the completion, had their say in parallel. Only on the flow of money would I have liked to hear a bit more."
Sebastian Schroth der Zweite
"It actually became clear to me again today – through this complete change – that the Dammtor is now connected to the Heiligengeistfeld in a completely different way. Before, it felt like there was such a cut and today you can feel a completely new connection. I find that very fascinating and I'm pleased that this intervention brings pedestrians and cyclists forward."
Christine Schroth der Zweite