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Since POLA was founded in 2009, we have brought together generations, nationalities and talents. About two dozen people from the fields of open space design, architecture, civil engineering, communication and the humanities work together to create memorable places.

We are a competition office and appreciate the challenge at different scales. We want to be courageous and stand up for our convictions - even at the risk of making a splash. We believe that even failure makes us grow, as long as we remain authentic. And we look for beauty - mostly or especially in the imperfect, in the ephemeral. All of this is what makes our work so appealing to us.

Since POLA was founded in 2009, we have brought together generations, nationalities and talents. About two dozen people from the fields of open space design, architecture, civil engineering, communication and the humanities work together to create memorable places.

We are a competition office and appreciate the challenge at different scales. We want to be courageous and stand up for our convictions - even at the risk of making a splash. We believe that even failure makes us grow, as long as we remain authentic. And we look for beauty - mostly or especially in the imperfect, in the ephemeral. All of this is what makes our work so appealing to us.

Jörg Michel

The idea of the cultural and emotional resonance of places is central to all of Jörg Michel's work. Before founding POLA, he was a partner at Locodrom and office manager of planning offices in Berlin, Munich and Toronto.

As a visiting professor, Jörg Michel taught open space planning and design at the Beuth University of Applied Sciences in Berlin and was a lecturer in landscape architecture at the Bernburg University of Applied Sciences. The studied landscape architect and visual artist is also a trained gardener and landscape gardener.

The idea of the cultural and emotional resonance of places is central to all of Jörg Michel's work. Before founding POLA, he was a partner at Locodrom and office manager of planning offices in Berlin, Munich and Toronto.

As a visiting professor, Jörg Michel taught open space planning and design at the Beuth University of Applied Sciences in Berlin and was a lecturer in landscape architecture at the Bernburg University of Applied Sciences. The studied landscape architect and visual artist is also a trained gardener and landscape gardener.


Aleksandra Baranova

Project management
B.Sc. Landscape Architecture +49 (0)30 240 0099 17

Karen Brix

Planting Design
Dipl. Eng. Landscape Architecture +49 (0)30 240 0099 14


Jérôme Duréault

Freelance PR and Design
Dipl. Eng. Landscape Architecture +49 (0)30 240 0099 10

Bastian Fletschinger

Project team
Cand. M.Sc. Landscape Architecture +49 (0)30 240 0099 19


David Kaufmann

Project management
Dipl. Eng. Landscape Architect AK Berlin +49 (0)30 240 0099 21

Elise Merveille

Project management
M.Sc. Architecture +49 (0)30 240 0099 18

Karsten Meyer

Project management
Dipl. Eng. Landscape Architect AK Berlin +49 (0)30 240 0099 16

Jörg Michel

Founder and Principal
Dipl. Eng. Landscape Architect AK Berlin +49 (0)30 240 0099 15


Diana Mittendorfer

Head of department
M.Sc. Landscape Architect AK Berlin +49 (0)30 240 0099 20
POLA_2022_Panek -Brigitte_Quer_Thorsten-Eichhorst-DSC4058-2.jpg

Brigitte Panek

CFO Chief Financial Officer
M.A. Geography + Ethnology +49 (0)30 240 0099 12


Sara Perovic

Head of Competition Department
M.Sc. Architecture +49 (0)30 240 0099 25

Théo Pietronave

Competitions Team
M.Sc. Architecture +49 (0)30 240 0099 24

Michelle Ritscher

Project management
B.Sc. Landscape Architecture +49 (0)30 240 0099 22

Isabel Rodriguez Lucas

Project management
Dipl.-Ing. Architecture + M.Sc. Landscape Architecture +49 (0)30 240 0099 23


Catalina Ruff

Project team
M.Sc. Architecture +49 (0)30 2400 099 13

Matthias Schmidt

Project management
B.Sc. Landscape Architecture +49 (0)30 240 0099 26

Niklas Wobbe

Project team
Cand. M.Sc. Landscape Architecture +49 (0)30 240 0099 19

POLA would not be POLA without our former colleagues.

Kathrin Albrecht /// Stefan Asbrede /// Felix Bachmann /// Rina Balfanz /// Alena Baumann /// Lea Bombien /// Nataliya Borys /// Thomas Büsch /// Christoph Carrette /// Cecilia Cicconi /// Juan Cruz Gómez Righetti /// Guillaume De Vore /// Anna Dierking /// Marcel Dölling /// Julia Drees /// Charlotte Driller /// Karen Ehlers /// Nathalie Esposito /// Kamila Grigo /// Lisa Hankow /// Lina Hasenstab /// Holly Hein /// Maje Hennes /// Ariane Holz /// Katharina Jester /// Julia John /// Madeline King /// Katrin Kolbe /// Aleksey Konev /// Manca Kroselj /// Marleen Krüger ///Lisa Lau /// Johannes Mebes /// Arne Mickerts /// David Misselwitz /// Susanne Mühlbauer /// Dominik Müller /// Benjamin Nicaud /// Kuang-yu Niu /// Cristina Palicari /// Anke Palm-Dagdeviren /// Silvia Paris /// Valentina Pilego /// Jakob Pittroff /// Nina Pollex /// Christina Ritter /// Heiko Ruddigkeit /// Florian Rüster /// Igor Roitburd /// Juan Sáez Martinez de la Pedraja /// Tristan Scheppach /// Roberta Serra /// Elsa Sitsen /// Anna Slavensky /// Olaf Staack /// Markus Storch /// Anna Szczepaniak /// Natalie Thao /// Marcel Tröger /// Ricky van Lingen /// Lutz Verleger /// Luisa Vogel /// Julia von Lindenfels /// Sissy von Matuschka /// Sabine von Sarnowski /// Julia von Vietinghoff /// Johanna Walkhoff /// Sander Wallays /// Franziska Wedeking /// Jennifer Winkelmann /// Zora Zweifel ///