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2nd prize in competition aspern Seestadt, Vienna


Jury verdict

"The project‚ ‘Gardens as a mirror of society’ draws a strong spatial image which is easily recognisable. The basic idea is to create individual open spaces of multiple uses, which are arranged in such a way as to create different atmospheric densities and freely play out a meandering street layout. The Green String thus becomes a coherent space from façade to façade, accompanied by a tree “wall” made up of a wide variety of tree species, which have been assembled based on urban climate criteria. The open spaces contain uses such as meeting places, specific stay for diverse users, neighbourhood gardens, planting and meadow areas as well as retention areas.

Some of the spaces will be programmed together with the future users and a wide variety of stakeholders in the Urban Lakeside in order to further strengthen identification with the open space. The transition to the pocket parks is designed as a themed playground, and the design of the parks in the southern area is extensive. (...) The jury is pleased with the courageous entry with clear statements on a new interpretation of the street space."

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