A stage for nature and building culture - because the power of architectural design is sometimes at its best when it is hardly noticed. The old town centre of Bad Salzdetfurth, dominated by timber-framed houses, underwent two fundamental alterations which reconnected it with nature and turned it into a memorable place that creates a sense of identity. The reshaped market square, due to its calm uniformity, takes a back seat to the historic half-timbered buildings, the actual stars of the show. The redesign results in an ample, level square which is uniformly paved and has no additional, disturbing components. The concept of a multifunctional ‘shared space’ is supported by few, deliberately placed design elements. The river Lamme is easily accessible again at the spot where a bathing house once stood, but where the connection between town and river had been blocked by a wall in the more recent past. A stairway leads down to the water. Here too, the pre-existing situation – natural space and water garden – is showcased, with the stairs acting as the auditorium.
This humble approach also persuaded the jury of this year's polis award to nominate the "Lammegarden" project in the category "Livable Open Space". Our project can be seen in the video link to the award ceremony from minute 41:10.